
Diamond Bar : Mayor Pays $6,000 Fine

Diamond Bar Mayor Gary G. Miller has paid a $6,000 fine to the Fair Political Practices Commission for failing to file several campaign contribution reports during his unsuccessful 1990 state Senate bid.

Miller said he paid the $6,000 fine even though he believes he could have successfully contested the FPPC director’s finding that Miller was guilty of four counts of failure to file the late contribution reports.

Such reports must be filed during the last two weeks of a campaign and within 24 hours of receipt of a contribution. Miller did not file timely reports for four loans--totaling $260,000--he made to himself in the final weeks of his campaign.


The FPPC director, in a written complaint, said the violations did not appear to be intentional. The loans were properly reported in Miller’s semiannual campaign statement filed after the election. Miller did file late campaign contribution reports for 19 late contributions from others.

“I agree I made a mistake, but it was not intentional,” Miller said. “These were loans from me to me, and we didn’t think they fell into . . . the category of late campaign contributions.”
