
Gentry Released From Hospital After Heart Surgery


Councilman Robert F. Gentry was released from the hospital Thursday after undergoing emergency heart surgery last week.

Gentry said he was greeted by a stack of cards “a foot high” and a “home full of flowers” from well-wishers.

“I’ve been overwhelmed,” he said. “The expression of concern from the community here in Orange County over my surgery and illness has been very, very moving.”


Gentry, 54, underwent a quadruple bypass operation at UCI Medical Center in Orange after he began experiencing chest pains. Tests revealed that he had blocked arteries.

The councilman said he plans to stay home for most of the month and to conduct a limited amount of City Council work from there.

“They have indicated to me that my prognosis looks excellent,” he said. “I feel very positive, very hopeful and look forward to a new life.”


Gentry said he plans to travel to Washington on April 25 to participate in a march for the rights of gays and lesbians.

“If my health continues to progress the way that it should, I plan to be there,” he said.

Gentry, a three-term mayor, suffered a minor heart attack in 1986.
