
LOS ANGELES : UTLA Backs Gonzalez in School Board Race

United Teachers-Los Angeles has endorsed school board candidate Larry Gonzalez in the District 2 race in the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Teachers union President Helen Bernstein said Gonzalez can expect to receive help in promoting his campaign messages to 28,000 union members through their highly organized mailing system. She did not say how much money, if any, the union’s political action committee would give him.

Gonzalez is a former Los Angeles school board member who resigned his seat for an unsuccessful City Council bid in 1987. Running against him are junior high school Principal Victoria Castro, who has been endorsed by the district’s administrators union and by board President Leticia Quezada.


Both candidates are running high-profile campaigns in a newly carved, primarily Latino district that stretches from Huntington Park through parts of Los Angeles’ Eastside to the Pico-Union district. A third candidate, Willene Cooper, a well-known community activist in southeast area cities, is also vying for the seat.
