
A look at noteworthy addresses in the...

A look at noteworthy addresses in the Southland. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher spoke Saturday at the Hotel Inter-Continental. Her speech was sponsored by Town Hall of California. From her remarks:

On Lessons of the 20th Century “We learned that only a strong defense can deter aggressors. . . . I get very worried when I hear of defense cut after defense cut. . . . I can testify that in my lifetime . . . the unexpected does happen.

“The second thing we learned was to try to get new international organizations set up. . . . After the second (world war) we set up what came to be called the new world order. It isn’t a new world order at all, there really isn’t such a thing as a new world order, there never will be. It is world cooperation to give moral authority to a course of action. . . . We (also) knew the importance of prosperity, we knew the importance of building up better economies and better channels of trade.”


On the World Today “If we look now at some of the hot spots around the world, we will see that we’re not headed for universal democracy by any means.

“Right in the heart of Europe, Serbian aggression reminds us, as I never expected to see in Europe again, about ‘ethnic cleansing,’ brutality, massacre, murder, relentlessly pursued. It is within the sphere of influence of the European Community. It should also be within their sphere of conscience. But it would seem as if they don’t have a conscience. We have not done (enough) to be effective and therefore many of them have suffered. It is to me a blot on civilization.

”. . . If we play it right, we’re going to have four big economic centers of power--the United States, Europe, Russia and China. It is going to be a very different world. . . . But we have to keep up our guard, we have constantly to preach that freedom and enterprise is the best way.”


Looking Ahead Wednesday: Robert L. Crandall, chairman and president of American Airlines, will speak on “International Aviation: Time for a Change” at the Hotel Inter-Continental, noon. Sponsored by the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, (213) 628-2333.

Thursday: Melanie Kaye-Kantrowitz, executive director of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, will discuss “Jews, Class, Color and the Cost of Whiteness” at Pomona College, Frank Dining Hall, 5 p.m. Sponsored by the Claremont Colleges’ Hillel, (909) 621-8000, Ext. 2096.

Announcements concerning prominent speakers in Los Angeles should be sent to Speaking Up, c/o Times researcher Nona Yates, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, Calif., 90053
