
PORT HUENEME : Apartment Complex Renovation OKd

The Port Hueneme City Council on Monday approved a plan to rehabilitate a low-income apartment complex, while opening the door to increased federal rent subsidies for residents in the project.

The council’s 3-0 vote, with council members Toni Young and Ken Hess absent from the special meeting, allows the complex’s owner to begin refurbishing the 41-unit apartment complex at 680 Evergreen Lane.

A portion of the loan for the $177,000 project--$84,000--comes from federal rental rehabilitation funds. The remainder--about $93,000--will be funded with a loan from the city’s housing rehabilitation program.


The project also opens the door to residents who might qualify for federal rent subsidies or Section 8 status. The property is owned by 680 Evergreen Associates Ltd. of Oxnard.

Community Development Director Tom Figg said most of the tenants in the complex would be eligible to apply for the rent assistance.
