
VAN NUYS : Day-Care Center Proposal Rejected

A city zoning official decided against granting a conditional use permit for a controversial residential day-care center Monday after nearby homeowners and City Councilwoman Joy Picus opposed the project.

Citing the prospect of too many children, too much noise and a poor drop-off plan, Associate Zoning Administrator Albert Landini denied Michelle Ventimiglia’s permit to convert a home on Keswick Street into a 48-student day-care center.

Monday’s public hearing brought out about 40 supporters of Ventimiglia. But a handful of homeowners appeared in opposition, along with Jim Dawson, an aide to Picus.


“There’s no question there’s a need for day care in the community, but she just needs a bigger site,” said Dawson. Not all homeowners opposed the site. “I have been looking desperately. I’ve been driving to Encino because I haven’t been able to find the kind of day care I want for my children,” Jocelyn Borboa told Landini.

Ventimiglia, who was offered help from Picus’ office to find another site, is unsure if she will appeal the decision.
