
The Return of Curlers?

Serious hair--not to be confused with big hair--was everywhere Monday night, turning even a no-nonsense actress like Jodie Foster into a glamour girl for the night. “Major roller ‘dos,” quipped one Oscar-watching stylist.

Geena Davis, Frances Fisher, former Elvis girlfriend Linda Thompson and Sharon Stone boasted sleek, ‘40s coiffeurs that only a headful of old-fashioned rollers could create, leaving the unmade-bed look to frizzed-out Judy Davis and Glenn Close.

If it wasn’t long and loose, it was upswept, a la Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda and Marisa Tomei. These weren’t messy Brigitte Bardot-style French twists, but shiny, finished ‘dos, using hairpieces and sponges for height.


And unless you count Robert Downey Jr.’s dandy-esque fringe, there was nary a bang in sight--except for Miranda Richardson, on whom bangs look downright dangerous.

A tired and wan-looking Michelle Pfeiffer looked as if she just did a quick wash and blow-dry. And who can blame her? As a new mom she probably has better things to do. Like sleep.
