
VENTURA : County Agencies to Hold Open House

Many of the services offered by Ventura County government will be on display Saturday in an open house at the East County Courthouse.

Interested residents can see a demonstration of the Fire Department’s Jaws of Life, a mechanism used to extract car accident victims from wreckage. Also on display will be a sheriff’s helicopter and the bomb squad’s robot.

“I don’t think a lot of people in the community are aware of all the services the county provides,” said Linda White, an administrative assistant to Supervisor Vicky Howard, sponsor of the event.


Other outdoor displays will demonstrate safety precautions around rattlesnakes and a sheriff’s canine unit, White said. Inside, tours of the courts, judges chambers and holding cells will be given.

Tables featuring various departments will provide information on such topics as how property is assessed and how assessments can be appealed. County Auditor Tom Mahan will provide information about the county budget. The Fire Department will give fireproofing tips.

County employees are participating on a voluntary basis, White said. Other departments that will be represented include Animal Control, the Public Social Services Agency, and Environmental Health.


“It’s a good chance for people to see where their tax dollars go to,” she said.

The open house is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the courthouse, 3855-F Alamo St., in Simi Valley.
