
The Region : 1992 Hate Crimes Top 1991’s

Hate crimes in the San Gabriel Valley rose to 33 last year, compared to 27 in 1991, an increase of 22.2%, according to statistics compiled by the County Human Relations Commission. But only 10 San Gabriel Valley cities and communities reported hate crimes last year, compared to 14 in 1991.

Cities recording the largest numbers of hate crimes last year were Pasadena with 10, which reported one in 1991, and Azusa with 12, which logged two in 1991. The crimes in Azusa and Pasadena involved mainly conflicts between blacks and whites, officials said.

Crimes such as assaults, threats and vandalism are classified as hate crimes when they are motivated by hatred for an individual’s race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender or disability.
