
The Barefoot Billionaire and Uncle Sam

In Alan Citron’s interview of movie-music-business mogul David Geffen (“The New Adventures of the Barefoot Billionaire”), Geffen states: “I can’t for the life of me figure out why anyone would want to serve in the military.”

Here we have yet another glaring example of the arrogant, insular and demeaning world view of a major powerbroker in an industry--whether it accepts it or not--that does shape the view of millions of people around the world.

A few questions, Mr. Geffen:

1--When the Allied forces stormed the shores of Europe and put a stop to the slaughter of the 6 million (and countless others), was that a good thing? Was it OK to serve in the military then?


2--When you drive down Veteran Boulevard in Westwood, what do you feel as you pass the rows and rows of tombstones that dot the landscape in the veterans cemetery? Contempt?

3--Those serving in the military now who are dropping tons and tons of food to starving Bosnians--how do they fit into your anti-military philosophical grid? A wasteful endeavor?

4--And what about Somalia? Is there ever a moral context for the exercise of military might in your view? (I know, there must be hidden treasures of precious minerals in Somalia--that’s why we’re there!)


5--The rights and freedoms that have allowed you to amass your megabillions--can you “for the life of you” figure out why somebody would want to protect those rights and freedoms?

Or do you expect to “live and move and have your being” in a free society at the expense of others--your American men and women who are willing to fight and die to preserve the freedoms in which you so lavishly indulge?


Los Angeles
