
3 Named to Anaheim’s Budget Panel

A former mayor, an ex-police chief and an employee of the city’s largest employee union have been named to the city’s Budget Advisory Commission.

Ben Bay, who was mayor from 1986 to 1988 and a councilman from 1979 to 1986, was named Tuesday to the 10-member commission by Councilman Frank Feldhaus. Jimmie D. Kennedy, who was police chief for five years before retiring in 1987 after 30 years on the force, was appointed by Councilman Fred Hunter. Also named to the panel by Hunter was Gina Beitler, employee representative of the Anaheim Municipal Employees Assn.

The commission advises the council on budget matters, giving suggestions on appropriations and tax cuts. It was formed in 1991 after citizens groups complained about a 2% utility users tax that was imposed and cutbacks of various city services.


The council on Tuesday considered cutting the commission to five members--the size of most of the city’s commissions--but reconsidered after commission members said a larger panel allows for a broader spectrum of views and ideas.
