
ANAHEIM : Anti-Crime Group Plans Manure Blitz

“Somebody,” the neighborhood group that garnered national attention last month when it spread cow manure in a park to drive out drug dealers, will be taking similar action on a wider scale today, organizers said.

At 1 p.m., the group is scheduled to pass out 15,000 pounds of manure to anyone who wants it. Organizer Harald Martin, an Anaheim police officer, said groups from throughout the city will be picking up manure to spread at spots frequented by dealers.

The manure will be available at 523 W. Victor Ave.

At 2 p.m., the group--which takes its name from the lament “Somebody has to do something about crime”--will go to Pearson Park, at the corner of Harbor Boulevard and Cypress Street, and picket against the drug dealing that organizers say occurs there.


The group last month dumped 1,750 pounds of manure at La Palma Park, on a spot where drug dealers allegedly congregated.

For more information, call (714) 630-2323.
