
No to Same-Sex Marriages

We live in a time of plague such as has never been visited on our nation. We can pretend it does not exist, or exists for others, and carry on as if we do not know. But we do.

We know that AIDS is spread by several different methods. We also know that a cure is not in sight and may never be. What most people do not know is that the gay agenda is running rampant in the hierarchy of Ventura County government and organizations. It has even spread into the churches.

We have the potential to slow down the AIDS epidemic by speaking out against a recent request by the Affirmative Action Commission that our county Board of Supervisors consider same-sex marriages as legal, something that will only cost taxpayers more of their hard-earned money.


I believe it is time for concerned citizens to unite against the special-interest groups who have been catered to long enough.


