
Debate Over National Health Care

In response to “A Health-Care Scapegoat Responds,” Commentary, March 9:

Mitchell E. Daniels Jr. is right on with his comments. However, President Clinton should acknowledge that the extortion practiced by the medical community is where the real crimes are committed. In order for me to get my prescription filled, I must pay off the doctor with an office visit where he requests a number of questionable tests which runs the bill up to $250-plus. These visits will have to be repeated every 30 to 90 days.

Many people have chronic, non-threatening medical conditions that they understand better than a doctor. If a test is thought to be necessary by the patient, he must again get a prescription (another office visit) from the doctor just to have the laboratory make the test. And how about the patient getting the result directly; sorry, it can only be sent to the doctor.

I understand that laws are to protect the public, but these laws do not pass an important test, namely that an individual action can jeopardize the safety of the public at large. There should be a way for people to take control of their own bodies.



Newport Beach
