
No-Fee Traffic Control

In response to “City Waives $16,687 for Grammy Traffic Control” (Feb. 25):

It is appalling that with the budget crisis in this city that our elected leaders would even consider subsidizing the Grammy Awards to the tune of $16,687 at the same time we are cutting back on teachers, firefighters, police and other services.

First the City Council voted 8-5 against the fee waiver. Then, based on the argument submitted by Zev Yaroslavsky that the event brings in millions of dollars to L.A., they voted 11-2 in favor of the waiver.

Why is the City Council even voting on this? If the criteria for waivers is how much money the city makes from the event, then shouldn’t we waive all fees for all events? Why was this event singled out? Finally, why is valuable council time used for exceptions to the fee policy?


If the city can’t create a policy for waivers that is fair to everyone, then there shouldn’t be any exceptions.


Los Angeles
