
Seizing the Day With a Family Fun Run

Budget cuts are a bummer. But Glendale recreation and community services coordinator JoAnn Kiefer saw the looming reductions as an opportunity to put on the first Carpe Diem Family Fun Run and Roll on Saturday.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for a long, long time,” Kiefer said of the event, which will raise funds for recreation programs. “And now because of the budget cuts, they’re allowing me to.”

The day, sponsored by the city Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, offers a series of non-competitive events including a 5-K and 10-K fun run, a 1-K fun stride (for walkers), a 5-K wheelchair roll, a 5-K baby buggy roll (for people who run with their wee ones in strollers) and a 10-K roll for roller-bladers.


Kiefer, who has run in similar events herself, got the idea during last year’s planning meeting. “We had to think of ways the parks and recreation division could make money for programs that might be cut,” she said. Funds collected from the fun run will go into the Glendale youth and senior programs.

The Latin name came from an early morning brainstorming session. “We were throwing out ideas,” Kiefer said. The phrase, which means “seize the day,” seemed appropriate. “It’s in the morning, in March, on the first day of spring. You come up with the strangest ideas when you’re asleep.”


She said that advance sign-ups have been good, although she has been warned that the bulk of the participants will probably sign up Saturday. Roller-bladers should be warned that hockey sticks or pucks will not be allowed. Skaters and babies must wear safety helmets.


Kiefer said there will be 25 door prizes and everyone will get a T-shirt and post-run refreshments.

Registration will be from 6:30 to 7:45 a.m. the day of the event. The fee is $18, except for the 1-K stride, which costs $13. Aerobic warm-up starts at 7:15 a.m. The various events will take place from 7:30 to 9 a.m. at the north end of Verdugo Park, 1621 Canada Blvd.
