
Covina : Council Recall Vote Is Set

The Covina City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to hold a recall election July 13 for all five of its members.

If a majority of the council is recalled, a second special election must be scheduled within 103 days to fill vacant seats.

If less than a majority is recalled, voters will decide whether to hold a special election to determine the replacements or if they should be appointed by the remaining council members.


The recall drive heated up last month when a citizens group angered by a 6% utility tax gathered enough signatures to force the council members into a recall election.

Stop the Utility Tax Committee members say the council members abused their office and failed to represent the interests of residents and businesses by adopting the tax, which went into effect in November.

Council members have countered that the tax was needed to make up a $2.3-million budget deficit.


City officials said the tax on gas, electricity, water and telephone bills, which expires next November, costs an average household or business $12 a month, with exceptions for low-income families.
