
Pomona : Police Gang Book Retrieved

Pomona police, whose patrol squads carry copies of their computerized gang book, may revise listings in the book after one officer lost his copy and it was retrieved by gang members.

According to a search warrant filed in Pomona Municipal Court, the loss occurred Feb. 5 when an officer, after interviewing three gang members, put the book on the trunk of his patrol car and then left a few minutes later, forgetting the book on the trunk.

The officers returned a day later, offered a $100 reward for the book and paid it to two gang members who turned in the copy later that day at police headquarters. Four days later, police got a home search warrant to look for photocopied versions of the book, but no copies were found.


Red-faced Pomona police called the incident an accident and said no repercussions had occurred. But Chief Lloyd Wood said addresses might be deleted from the hand-carried copies.
