
LACTC Office Space

What in the world can the board of the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACTC) possibly be thinking to negotiate for space in the proposed Watt building next to the Harbor Freeway?

The LACTC is supposed to be dedicated to reducing vehicular congestion and air pollution through support for the emerging non-automotive transit system. According to the Watt building EIR, relocation to that building will be contributing to more than 15,000 vehicle trips per day.

The Watt building will be located directly next to the Harbor Freeway. Studies show that congestion on the Harbor will shortly increase from about 250,000 trips per day to more than 450,000 trips per day when buildings such as Watt are completed and leased.


The LACTC’s decision to relocate to the Watt building shows incredibly poor judgment at best. The alternative site near Union Station is the hub of transit activities for Los Angeles County. LACTC can hardly deny that that is the most appropriate location for its new transit headquarters.

Relocating to the Watt building would not only result in a horrendous waste of taxpayer dollars, but would signal a disgusting lack of commitment to the LACTC’s fundamental task.


Board Member, South Coast Air Quality

Management District, Diamond Bar
