
Classics on Computer: Get ready to bone...

Compiled by Dean Takahashi, Times staff writer

Classics on Computer: Get ready to bone up on your Shakespeare.

World Library Inc. in Garden Grove has released Microsoft Windows versions of its CD-ROM collections of Library of the Future.

The second edition of Library of the Future features the complete text of more than 2,000 classical works of literature on a single compact disc.

The company, started by brothers William and Robert Hustwit, has sold more than 100,000 CD-ROM titles worldwide. It was Robert Hustwit, an omnivorous reader, who got the inspiration for Library of the Future after he spent days searching through reference books for a quotation by German philosopher Immanuel Kant.


The Windows versions of the CD-ROM discs, which are based on the same storage technology as compact disc players, feature added search capabilities such as the ability to cut and paste text from literary works into word processing documents.
