
Lockheed Corp. has appointed Richard W. Taylor...

Lockheed Corp. has appointed Richard W. Taylor to the new position of vice president of group business strategy for the Calabasas-based defense concern’s aeronautical systems group.

Taylor, 54, was formerly a Lockheed vice president of corporate development.

Lockheed has also named Gordon R. England, B. Edward Ewing and Dain M. Hancock--three former executives of General Dynamics Corp.--to be vice presidents of Calabasas-based Lockheed.

The appointments came as Lockheed completed the purchase of General Dynamics’ fighter-plane business for $1.5 billion.


England, Ewing and Hancock will also continue as president, vice president for operations and vice president for F-16 programs, respectively, for a new Lockheed division called Lockheed Fort Worth Co.
