
SAN CLEMENTE : School Aiding Wife of Drowning Victim

Students and teachers at San Clemente High School began a community fund-raiser last week to help the financially strapped family of a school alumnus who drowned earlier this year in a snorkeling accident near the city pier.

Glenn Joseph Conone, a 1981 San Clemente High graduate and owner of a small surf and apparel business, died Jan. 1, just one day before his 30th birthday.

School officials say Conone had no life insurance, and his wife--also a graduate of San Clemente High--has been struggling to pay the $7,000 cost of his funeral. About $3,000 of the funeral bill remains, said Christina Eslick, student activities director.


To help Conone’s wife defray the funeral costs, students are taking collections at school and in the community.

The student body will also donate all profits from its popular Air Guitar show, held March 5, Eslick said. Although proceeds from the show have not been tallied, students traditionally have raised about $2,000.

Any donations left over will be put into a trust fund for Conone’s young child, Eslick said.


For information, call the high school at (714) 492-4165.
