
A summary of selected City Hall actions affecting Central Los Angeles in the past week.


LIBRARY RENOVATIONS: Approved a proposal to spend $90,000 to construct public restrooms and a small office at the Jefferson Branch Library, 2413 2nd Ave. The renovation work will also improve the building’s access to the disabled.

BUSINESS IMPROVEMENTS: Approved a proposal that will allow a $3-million loan to merchants in Chinatown and Lincoln Heights for programs to upgrade the physical condition of their business districts. The money would come from parking-meter funds in Council District 1. Mayor Tom Bradley must give final approval.

DODGER BANNERS: Approved a proposal waiving $4,232 in city permit fees to allow the Dodgers to display banners throughout the city celebrating the baseball team’s 35-year anniversary in Los Angeles.



How South-Central and Eastside representatives voted on selected issues.

SCHOOL VIOLENCE: Approved scheduling two public meetings within 30 days on violence in the public schools. One meeting will be held in the Downtown area, the other in the San Fernando Valley. Members of the City Council are seeking solutions to the problem from students, parents, teachers and administrators. The dates, times and locations of the meetings will be announced later. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes on the proposal: Richard Alatorre, Joan Milke Flores, Mike Hernandez, Nate Holden and Mark Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Rita Walters.

UNDERCOVER DECOYS: Approved a proposal supporting an appeal by state officials to the state Supreme Court of a recent ruling prohibiting the use of underage youths as undercover decoys to identify retailers who sell liquor to minors. The proposal was authored by Hernandez. Voting yes: Alatorre, Flores, Hernandez, Holden and Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Walters.

FEDERAL GRANT MONEY: Approved a proposal to apply to the federal government for $7.2 million in grant money that would be used to design housing programs for low-income or homeless people who are HIV-positive or suffering from AIDS. Passed: 12-0. Voting yes on the proposal: Alatorre, Flores, Hernandez, Holden and Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Walters.
