
TAX-RETURN WATCH : Charitable Options

Tax time, generally speaking, does not evoke expressions of altruism from most of us. But the state of California has made it easy to support a variety of worthy--and often underfunded--causes. As easy as checking a box on Form 540, the California Resident Income Tax Return form.

This year, Form 540 lists eight special funds, each added by a vote of the Legislature. Taxpayers can make voluntary, tax-deductible contributions of $1 or more in whole-dollar amounts to any one or more of these funds. These charitable contributions do not offset tax obligations or direct the spending of tax dollars. They are in addition to taxes owed, or they can be subtracted from refunds due from the state.

The worthy causes on this year’s return include funds to support direct services to senior citizens; the care and treatment of persons with Alzheimer’s and related diseases; the preservation of rare and endangered species; the prevention, intervention and treatment of child abuse and neglect, and the construction of a veterans memorial.


New this year is the California Breast Cancer Research Fund that will provide additional, badly needed support for research into this disease that strikes one in nine American women. The State Department of Health Services will distribute the funds through research grants.

Contributions to the special funds listed on last year’s state Form 540 totaled $2.7 million. Over the past 10 years, voluntary state tax checkoff programs have raised more than $23 million. All in all, an easy way for taxpayers to do a lot of good.
