
Anti-Defamation League Activities

It’s unfortunate your Feb. 26 headline on intelligence gathering by the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith uses the pejorative words “ . . . private spy network.” That we engage in intelligence gathering on a volunteer and professional basis is a necessity that makes it possible for ADL to fulfill its objectives “ . . . to combat anti-Semitism and secure justice for all Americans.”

At all times we’ve operated within our rights as Americans and the rule of law. Violations by zealots will not be tolerated. I pledge this as one who has served the league as a volunteer and professional for 56 years, and is a life member of ADL’s National Commission.

Over the years ADL, in concert with like-minded Americans, engaged in works of education, public opinion and use of law to secure the rights promised in the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and our Bill of Rights.


After World War II we supported President Harry Truman’s call for America “to secure these rights.” In time, it led to passage of law that seeks an end to discrimination, and opened the doors to opportunity, equal treatment and justice.

That hate still pervades our society is a crime against humanity. It must be exposed and challenged. And in the process, language plays an important role. Pejoratives in your article were out of place in this case.


Pacific Palisades
