
AIDS in Los Angeles County

Beginning in January, the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta expanded its definition of full-blown AIDS. It now includes the following additional clinical conditions: pulmonary tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia, invasive cervical cancer and a count of fewer than 200 CD4+ T-cells per microliter of blood. This reporting revision accounts for the jump in reported monthly cases in Los Angeles County from a total of 344 in December to 1,609 in January. Because of this HIV-reporting change, the number of new cases will be significantly larger than before. Patient characteristics for L.A. County AIDS cases reported in January:

Adults and Adolescents

EXPOSURE SOURCE Cases to Date Cases to Date Cases Males Females To Jan. Year Jan. Year Jan. Male-male 1,025 1,025 0 0 1,025 sexual contact Injection drug 106 106 29 29 135 user (IDU) Male-male 103 103 0 0 103 sexual contact/IDU Hemophilia/coag disorder 1 1 1 1 2 Heterosexual contact 18 18 35 35 53 Transfusion recipient 11 11 6 6 17 Undetermined 243 243 28 28 271 Total 1,507 1,507 99 99 1,606

EXPOSURE SOURCE to Date tal Year Male-male 1,025 sexual contact Injection drug 135 user (IDU) Male-male 103 sexual contact/IDU Hemophilia/coag disorder 2 Heterosexual contact 53 Transfusion recipient 17 Undetermined 271 Total 1,606

Pediatric Cases

EXPOSURE SOURCE Cases to Date Cases to Date Cases Males Females To Jan. Year Jan. Year Jan. Hemophilia/ 0 0 0 0 0 coag disorder Mother with/at risk for HIV 1 1 1 1 2 Transfusion recipient 1 1 0 0 1 Undetermined 0 0 0 0 0 Total 2 2 1 1 3


EXPOSURE SOURCE to Date tal Year Hemophilia/ 0 coag disorder Mother with/at risk for HIV 2 Transfusion recipient 1 Undetermined 0 Total 3

CASES (since 1981): 18,729 DEATHS (since 1981): 12,762 Source: L.A. County Department of Health Services Research: Tracy Thomas
