
SIMI VALLEY : Man Ejected From Car, Run Over Dies

A Simi Valley man was killed when he flipped his girlfriend’s car and was thrown from the vehicle and struck by an oncoming automobile as he lay on the street.

Clarence Silvey Jr., 39, was headed east on Los Angeles Avenue at Alscot Avenue about 10:30 p.m. Sunday when he lost control of the car, which hit the curb and overturned several times, said Simi Valley Police Lt. Don Austin. Silvey was driving at least 60 m.p.h. in a 45-m.p.h. zone, police said.

Silvey was ejected onto the road where he was struck by another car and dragged about 70 feet before the driver realized that Silvey was trapped under her car, said Deputy Coroner Craig Stevens.


Firefighters and paramedics were forced to jack up the car to get to Silvey, who was pronounced dead at the scene at 10:50 p.m., Stevens said.

He said there was no way of telling whether Silvey died as part of the original accident or after he was hit by the oncoming car.

Simi Valley Police Sgt. Jeff Malgren said that Silvey’s girlfriend, Donna Haydon, 24, who was not ejected from the Nissan when it overturned, sustained minor injuries.


Haydon told police that she and Silvey had been drinking, Malgren said.

Investigators will wait for the results of toxicological tests before ruling on whether alcohol played a role in the crash.

The woman who struck Silvey while he was lying on the road was not speeding and is not suspected of any wrongdoing, Malgren said.
