
Access HealthNet Inc. Is Target of Lawsuit

Access HealthNet Inc., a Westlake Village firm that links doctors, hospitals and clinical laboratories by computer, has been sued by a company that helped it raise $1.6 million in operating funds, according to Michael McMahon, vice president of Access.

“We feel the allegations have no merit and we intend to defend ourselves vigorously,” McMahon said. He said the suit charges that Access violated an agreement to pay a finder’s fee and to reimburse the plaintiffs for public-relations services.

McMahon declined to name the firm that filed the action in U. S. District Court in Los Angeles or to disclose how much is being sought in damages. He also declined to identify two Access officers who were named as defendants in the action.


In an unrelated development, Access announced that it has reached agreements to sell its new Remote Access Provider Site Systems to three new customers in Phoenix, New Orleans and Kansas City. The deals, worth $1.1 million, bring the value of orders received for the systems in the past nine months to $3.4 million, McMahon said.
