
Microsoft Agrees to Add Software of Laguna Hills Firm to Its New System


Hoping to increase its name recognition and sales, Network Software Associates Inc. said Monday that it has signed a deal with Microsoft Corp. to distribute a version of its networking software with every copy of the software giant’s new operating system.

Russell Hertzberg, director of product marketing for NSA, said the company will develop a streamlined version of its 3270 PC-to-mainframe software, which connects a network of personal computers to a centralized computer, or mainframe.

Microsoft has agreed to package NSA’s software as an accessory for its upcoming release of Windows NT, due out this spring. Windows NT will be a new operating system, or basic software that gives instructions to the computer hardware, for larger systems such as networks of PCs.


Hertzberg said the inclusion of NSA’s new software will add to its name recognition and possibly lead to greater sales of its more sophisticated networking software.

Hertzberg also said the company is hiring and plans to add space, possibly by expanding its current site or by finding a larger building in Orange County.

The company now has about 100 employees and 20,500 square feet of space at its headquarters in Laguna Hills.
