
ANAHEIM : Community Service of 5 Women Honored

A PTA president, a Girl Scout leader for abused children, a reading teacher for adult illiterates, an arts supporter and a religious activist all have been honored for their outstanding community service by the Women’s Division of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce.

Sharon Salapa, Sheila Harel, Pat Gandsy, Flo Tarlton and Sandy Slivka were named winners of the 1992 Annie Anaheim Accolade Awards during a recent luncheon at the Holiday Inn-Maingate.

Salapa is president of the PTA at Adelaide Price Elementary School. It was her leadership that kept an anti-drug program going there when it faced elimination because of budget constraints.


Harel founded a Girl Scout troop at Canyon Acres Home for Abused Children. She also started “The Prom Closet,” which provides formal dresses to underprivileged teen-agers.

Gandsy organized a tutoring program for adult illiterates, providing testing, books and tutors for students. She is also president of the Anaheim Ebell Club, which is a community service club, and a member of the Anaheim Art Council.

Tarlton, a longtime volunteer, is involved extensively in the arts, giving time to the Harp Guild, the Anaheim Arts Assn., the Anaheim Arts Council and the Zonta Club, all arts support groups. She is also a member of the Community Service Board and the Episcopal Service Board and works in anti-drug abuse programs.


Slivka is a leader of the Orange County Congregation of Community Organizations, a group of Christian churches that have staged protests against crime. She also organizes weekly Masses at hospitals and convalescent homes, drives senior citizens and is on the Anaheim Housing Commission.
