
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : Community Fair to Have Western Feel

Organizers promise that the Community Fair on Saturday will have a distinctly Western atmosphere.

About 15,000 people are expected to attend the daylong fair, which is the first major celebration planned for the Fiesta de las Golondrinas--the city’s two-month-long welcome for the annual return of the swallows.

The Community Fair will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Cook Park, at the corner La Novia Avenue and Calle Arroyo. Admission and parking are free.


Showcasing the city’s heritage as one of the oldest communities in the state, the fair will feature an amateur Western dance and hat contest. Local entertainers, such as the Ballet Folklorico Mexico Magico de San Juan, will perform throughout the day.

“We do try to celebrate our heritage as the city of San Juan Capistrano with a lot of local participation,” said Kristen Olsen, city recreation coordinator. “This is kind of a kickoff for the Fiesta de las Golondrinas, our gateway to welcoming the swallows.”

More than 100 game, food and exhibition booths will be available for fair-goers. Mimes, clowns and magicians will perform.


Food booths will be staffed by several local groups, including the Capistrano Valley Indian Council, which will sell traditional Indian fry bread, a churro -like snack. Other organizations will sell Mexican fare, barbecue and food such as hot dogs and popcorn.

More than 65 artists will have their creations on sale. Available will be Western-style jewelry, gold and silver jewelry, Southwestern ceramics and other art items.

Exhibitors will include local groups such as the San Juan Historical Society, the Fran Joswick Riding Center and the San Juan Institute, a space research center.


Contestants will compete in the amateur Western dance contest starting at 3 p.m. Entry fee for singles is $3. The charge for couples is $5.

For information about the Community Fair, call (714) 493-5911.
