
PLATFORM : Prepare, Prevent


This time, nobody gets away with nothing. This time, the police and sheriff (deputies) will be ready to bust some heads.

As a resident of South-Central, what happened last spring was painful. To see my brothers and sisters take part in the violence and looting was a low point as an African-American. But those people who did this are not the majority of my community, and Chief Williams and Sheriff Block should not only be prepared to “bust some heads,” but to work with the community and try to prevent chaos without resorting to violence. Many paths should be explored before we bring out the troops.

I agree it’s important to be prepared for a riot. Nobody, no matter what color the skin, has a right to kill or destroy property. But if there is ever going to be harmony between the police and the community, we must find ways to deal with violence before it’s too late.
