
LOS ANGELES : Law Would Give Pets at Shelters Time for Adoption

A proposal to change a Los Angeles law to prevent destruction of pets soon after owners place them in city shelters was made Tuesday by City Councilwoman Ruth Galanter.

The City Council adopted Galanter’s motion to change the Los Angeles Municipal Code “in the interest of more humane treatment of animals.” The change would give animals who have owners the same treatment and adoption procedures already given to strays.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. March 5, 1993 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday March 5, 1993 Home Edition Metro Part B Page 2 Column 3 Metro Desk 2 inches; 44 words Type of Material: Correction
Pets--An item in Tuesday’s Times erroneously stated that the Los Angeles City Council had adopted a proposal to give pets turned in at city shelters the same protections given to stray animals. In fact, the proposal has been forwarded to a council committee, which will make a recommendation to the full council.

Animal regulation officials must house stray dogs or cats up to seven days before killing them. The code said nothing about animals that owners give up, so the department policy has been to destroy those pets for lack of space.


“Such animals are often euthanized much sooner than the code would allow were they identified as strays,” Galanter said.
