
Mideast Peace Talks

Word of 10-year-old Hava Waxberg’s death came from Israel on Feb. 25, one day after this child was viciously attacked by an Arab terrorist who entered her village. Innocent people are attacked in Israel each day without one word in our media. The perpetrators of such crimes are often portrayed in the press as victims.

For example, the impression left by the media on Secretary of State Warren Christopher’s just completed fact-finding mission in the Mideast is that the peace process was derailed because of Israel’s deportation of 396 Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists. Where else would terrorists get off with such a light sentence?

When the average Israeli pedestrian must concern himself with the possibility of a rock in the head or a knife in the back from these people, who want nothing more than to render hopeless the possibility of real peace, and who were expelled, even if briefly, from the land, why were they not blamed for derailing the peace talks instead of the Israelis? Would the U.S. or any other nation put up with such behavior?


JULIAN WHITE, Regional Chairman Americans for a Safe Israel Los Angeles
