
WESTMINSTER : Fate of School Site Will Be Discussed

Westminster School District trustees will meet tonight with neighbors of the Gill School campus to discuss future development of the site.

The meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. at Schroeder Elementary School, 15151 Columbia Lane, Huntington Beach.

Supt. Gail Wickstrom has recommended that the property be sold or leased. The 30-year-old campus was closed as an elementary school in 1976 and has been leased to the County Board of Education since then.


The site is valued at about $3 million; a demographics report concludes that the district will not need the campus for at least 20 years.

Revenue from the sale of the site would be used to upgrade other district campuses, district spokeswoman Audrey Brown said. For more information, call (714) 894-7311.
