
Affordable Child Care

Congratulations on the publication of three well-conceived and informative columns dedicated to the issues of women in today’s society (Commentary, Feb. 9)! It is refreshing to see these issues receive the space they are due.

As a mother of three children who has recently been certified to teach in secondary education, I am grappling with many of the issues of child care, job expectations and managing a home. The most important issue for me is the responsibility I have to my children. My concern with the “child care issues” and the hiring of illegal aliens issues is that they focus too much on the job and not enough on the child.

As a student teacher, I saw many children whose parents were both working, either out of necessity or desire, who felt that they were second or third place in the priorities of their parents. The paycheck and the job came before the child. It makes me ask myself if any paycheck is worth the time taken from supporting, enjoying, knowing and loving a child you have brought into the world?


As important as the issues of affordable child care and realistic job expectations are, isn’t the most important issue the raising of children? Rather than viewing the care and raising of children as a sacrifice or a luxury, shouldn’t we put it in its proper perspective as the single most important job any of us will ever have?

