
Problems Still Grow for Garden Club

The members of the Arleta Community Garden Club appreciate the coverage of our dilemma, created by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power revoking our license to garden under the high voltage transmission lines in Arleta (“Garden May Be Tapped Out,” Times Valley Edition, Jan. 30).

But the article, by its failure to mention some facts, distorts the problems which have been created by the DWP’s new license.

The article did not include that the Garden Club paid over $4,600 for water last year, and has similarly been paying for water for the last 17 years. The DWP is now asking the garden Club to assume the cost and burden of watering and maintaining the department’s water delivery systems, sprinkler systems, parkway areas and landscaping, which are outside and adjacent to our gardens. The annual water cost alone, by the department’s own figures, would be an additional $4,200.


Our senior citizens have neither the financial nor the physical resources to assume these additional burdens.


Gardenmaster, Arleta Community Garden Club
