
Countywide : $7,500 Grant Given to Food Center

BankAmerica Foundation has donated $7,500 to the Food Distribution Center in Orange.

The grant will help the center’s member charities serve more than 200,000 meals to the hungry in Orange County. Fred Pratt, Food Distribution Center director, said that BankAmerica has taken a leadership role in fighting hunger in the county, which is a growing problem.

“The current recession has raised our agencies’ demand for food assistance to its highest point ever, and hunger continues to be a serious problem, even in our affluent communities,” Pratt said.

The center’s mission is to feed hungry people in the county, increase awareness of the problem and provide an opportunity for volunteerism and community involvement. The center also serves as a food bank by soliciting, collecting and distributing commodities through nonprofit agencies that feed those who need assistance.


For the past 10 years, the Food Distribution Center has helped to salvage edible food and distribute it to more than 240 charitable agencies.

BankAmerica Foundation, the philanthropic arm of BankAmerica Corp., gave the organization a $10,000 grant in 1989, which was used to buy new freezers. In addition, the bank was one of six 1991 corporate sponsors for “Orange County Cares,” a program organized to diminish hunger in the county.
