
MONTEREY HILLS : Senior Apartment Project Doubtful

A city zoning administrator said he is “not inclined” to grant a variance to a property owner who wants to build a 52-unit low-income senior housing project.

The project, proposed in a neighborhood of single-family homes, does not qualify for the zoning variance because property owner Carlos Sanchez has not proven he would suffer a financial hardship if the request were denied, said Horace E. Tramel Jr., associate zoning administrator. Hardship is one of the five findings that Tramel must make to grant a variance, according to city codes.

“My inclination is not to find in favor of the variance,” Tramel said.

Neighbors of the lot at 4224 and 4228 Guardia Ave., said they fear the development would add traffic and congestion. They also argued that the nearest bus stop is blocks away, making it difficult for seniors to travel.


The El Sereno Coordinating Council, a group of 50 residents reworking the city’s Northeast General Plan, voted unanimously to oppose the project, said David Duran, president of the group.

“This is a stable, single-family area,” Duran said. “The request for more intensive use is not recommended.”

Sanchez, who lives in South Pasadena, said he wanted to build the complex to provide low-rent housing for seniors. He plans to appeal after Tramel’s decision becomes official.


“I could sell the property tomorrow to someone else, but I wanted to give something back to my community,” Sanchez said.

Tramel said he considered statements made by area residents. “We all know that we need senior citizen housing throughout the city, we just need to make sure it’s in an appropriate place,” Tramel said. “It’s something that has to fit in the community.”
