
Firm That Lost Bid on Yosemite Concessions Sues

An environmentalist-backed company that bid unsuccessfully for the concession contract at Yosemite National Park filed a lawsuit against the National Park Service on Monday charging that the company was unfairly disqualified from the competition.

The Park Service last month awarded the lucrative contract to run Yosemite’s lodgings, restaurants and stores to Delaware North Companies Inc., which is based in Buffalo, N.Y., and specializes in operating sports stadiums and racetracks.

But YRT Services Corp., formed in part by environmentalists to bid for the Yosemite concession, said in its suit that it should have been selected because it met the Park Service’s requirements and offered the best financial package.


Congress has 60 days to review the contract before it is signed. Delaware North would take over the Yosemite operation Oct. 1 from the MCA Inc.-owned Yosemite Park & Curry Co.
