
Countywide : Group Appeals for Aid to Flood Victims

The devastation caused by the flooding in Tijuana has captured the attention of Orange County-based Corazon, a nonprofit group established to aid low-income people here and in Mexico.

And now Corazon, which means heart in Spanish, is making a public appeal for assistance for the flood victims.

“The need is there for the people we care about,” said Meg Houchen, president of the organization, which has cared for the poor in Tijuana, Ensenada and Garden Grove’s Buena Clinton neighborhood.


Houchen said the Christian, interdenominational group is seeking both financial contributions as well as canned goods, rice and beans, bread, tools, shovels, soap, flashlights, bandages and antiseptics.

“What would be most beneficial is financial donations,” she said. “Then we can purchase what we need.”

Buena Park City Manager Kevin O’Rourke, a 10-year member of Corazon, said donations can be dropped off at Buena Park City Hall, 6650 Beach Blvd.


Members of the group plan to take the donated goods to Tijuana on Friday night, O’Rourke said.

Last weekend, the group took to the people who live in the hills of Tijuana 250 shovels, 100 tarps, 1,000 pounds of beans, 16 cases of apples, and a pickup load of clothing, said John Torrence, a member of the board of directors.

“This is something we did on the spur of the moment; we took our emergency reserve money and bought what we could,” Torrence said.


Corazon, founded 21 years ago, builds homes, gives food and clothing and provides some medical services to the Mexican people.

Financial contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 3491, Mission Viejo, Calif. 92690. Checks should be made out to Corazon Flood Relief.

For more information, call (714) 997-2384.
