
Service Groups Need to Adapt

My wife and I were invited to the Van Nuys Knights of Columbus Hall for a party by a friend who headed the group in the early 1970s. The current head, in his second tour of duty, ran the chapter 20 years ago.

In the next 10 to 15 years, membership in these civic, charitable, philanthropic service and social organizations will be very difficult to maintain.

I am district director for Associated Square Dancers, including the San Fernando, Santa Clarita, Antelope valleys and clubs up in Fresno. Square dancing sees a dwindling and aging of members at this time. More than 1.5 million nationally over the past dozen years, according to one very well-known caller.


Recently I was recruited to join a local Optimist Club. In fact, two clubs have sought my membership. Also, I was recruited to join the Knights of Columbus. My wife asked, “What night do you meet?” The response was, “You don’t have to attend the meetings, just pay your dues.”

Many people in their 20s to 30s work very hard and don’t have time for extra activities, especially when both spouses work. Also, the above organizations may not interest younger people.

Organizations and their members will need to adapt to changing times to attract members. Bill Clinton reached out to the MTV generation and seemed to be successful. Our traditional organizations will need to follow his lead to survive.


