Please Dr. Resnick, Resign for the Kids
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I was both shocked and amused at the letter to the editor (“No Time to Worry About Popularity,” Dec. 20) by Dr. Barry Resnick, president of the Orange Unified School District Board of Education. Shocked to read that an elected official has indicated his refusal to work with the other school board members. Talk about thumbing your nose at the voters.
I was amused, however, because it appears that after three years in office, Dr. Resnick has finally decided to stand for something--as misdirected as community-bashing may be.
Furthermore, Dr. Resnick’s repeated calls for the scalp of the interim superintendent would cost the district over $200,000. This is money the district does not have. And Dr. Resnick calls his actions responsible? At least he gets it right when he stated in his letter, “my public comments . . . (are) not in the best interests of the community.”
As a well-known activist in the city of Orange for many years, I have long been critical of local public officials, but Dr. Resnick is the only one who I have ever and am now publicly advocating an immediate resignation from office. Please, Dr. Resnick, resign! For the kids!!