
Diamond Bar : 5 Arrested in Vandalism

Five Diamond Bar High School students--suspected of breaking into a home, causing $25,000 worth of damage and scribbling racial slurs on the walls--were arrested Wednesday by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies.

The names of the youths, boys ages 13 to 15, were not released because they are juveniles. They were released to their families after being booked.

The break-in, discovered Oct. 16, occurred at a vacant home in the 21400 block of Broken Arrow Drive, across from the high school. Vandals punched holes in the walls, broke mirrors, ripped the carpet and scribbled swastikas, devil worship symbols and slurs against blacks on the walls, deputies said.


The racial slurs were not directed at anyone at the home, said Sheriff’s Sgt. Marv Tegtmeier, who added that the house is in the process of being sold by an Anglo couple to an Asian family.
