
IN BRIEF : Mail-in Driver Course for Seniors Available

Those age 55 and over with good driving records may take the Responsible Driver Course that is available as a home study program under a pilot project of the Department of Motor Vehicles’ research department in Sacramento.

Instead of attending an all-day class, seniors read the study book and then complete and mail in a questionnaire and survey to receive the official DMV Mature Driver Certificate. The certificate is then presented to the auto insurance agent or company for a 5% to 10% auto insurance discount good for three years.

The course costs $21. To enroll, make a check payable to R.D.C. and mail it to: Responsible Driver Course, P.O. Box 109-H, Whittier, Calif. 90608. If further information is needed, call your insurance agent or the Responsible Driver Course at (800) 233-0226.
