
RIOT BRIEF : Need for Food Greater Than at Time of Unrest

Residents of riot-scarred South Los Angeles and the Pico-Union district are still suffering from a lack of food, infant formula and other baby supplies, community service providers say.

And conditions are likely to grow worse in the next few months because of declining government grants and fewer corporate and individual donations of food, they say.

An informal survey of 25 community groups, conducted by the nonprofit group UniHealth America also found that a sizable majority agreed that more of the people they serve need food and baby supplies now than needed food immediately following last spring’s civil unrest.


Respondents identified the most needed items as canned meat, vegetables and fruit, rice, bread, powdered milk and juices, beans, diapers, baby formula and baby food.

Many of the community service agencies surveyed said the post-riot deluge of donations has slowed to a trickle and urged companies and individuals to help make up the shortfall.

Those interested in making donations of food or other items can call the Infoline at (800) 339-6993 for referrals to food pantries in riot areas.
