
Helicopter Noise Tiring

Are you awakened daily by the 6 a.m. low-flying helicopters? Do you find it difficult to go to sleep before midnight when their flight frequency decreases? I, for one, am tired of it.

Our residential area now sounds more like a bad day in Beirut or the soundtrack of a war movie than the friendly neighborhood we chose in which to raise our family. My children are frightened, the neighborhood dogs are yowling, no one can get to sleep--or sleep very long.

Helicopters have invaded our lives. And for what? So we can get that one extra traffic report? I’m all for the exchange of helpful information, but not at the expense of my physical and emotional health.


I am a private pilot. I believe in the public use of our airways. But I would no more buzz your home at unconscionable hours than I would drive my car through your living room.

Join me in registering your complaints with the airports or the Federal Aviation Administration.


Studio City
