
Quayle Calls for Pulling Rap Album Tied to Murder Case


Vice President Dan Quayle, broadening his attack on Hollywood, Tuesday blasted the recording industry for producing rap music that he said had led to violence.

Quayle called on the Time Warner Inc. subsidiary, Interscope Records, to withdraw the album “2pacalypse Now” by rap artist Tupac Amaru Shakur from stores. Quayle charged that the record was responsible for the death of a Texas state trooper, who was shot to death in April by a suspect who allegedly was listening to the album on the tape deck of a stolen truck when he was stopped by the officer.

Ronald Ray Howard, 19, is being held on murder charges in Edna, Tex., in the death of Bill Davidson, 43, who was shot after pulling Howard over to issue a traffic ticket.


The trooper’s family has filed a civil suit against Shakur and Interscope, claiming the record’s violence-laden lyrics incite “imminent lawless action.”

One of the album’s songs, “Soulja’s Story,” speaks of “blasting” a police officer and “droppin’ the cop” after a traffic stop.

Quayle likened the album to rapper Ice-T’s notorious “Cop Killer,” which Time Warner Inc. pulled off the market this summer.


“Once again we’re faced with an irresponsible corporate act,” Quayle said in Houston after he spoke with the late trooper’s daughter, Kimberly Davidson. “There is absolutely no reason for a record like this to be published by a responsible corporation.”

He added: “Today I am suggesting that the Time Warner subsidiary Interscope Records withdraw this record. It has no place in our society.”

Officials at Time Warner and Frederick W. (Ted) Field, head of Interscope Records, declined comment.


Times special correspondent Chuck Philips contributed to this story.
