
How Business Views the Election

Name: Rose Marie Rodriguez

* Company: In-Home Quality Care Inc., Long Beach

* Position: President

* Registration: Republican

Q. For whom are you going to vote?

A. I think that I will vote for Clinton and Gore.

Q. Why?

A. I am a Republican, but I feel that we have not seen any positive gains (in the economy). Bush was indicating for a long time that there was no slowdown in the economy. Yet there is 11% unemployment in Los Angeles, and there seems to be no change in sight. Looking down Long Beach Boulevard, you see a lot of empty buildings. We need change and we need to get this country moving--more jobs and not giveaway programs. Clinton will certainly try to create employment, and I’m hopeful that there will not be a lot of programs established that will only waste more money. But if there is taxation that is due and is done at upper-income levels that are taxed appropriately, I think that would be right. Bush says there will never be (more) taxation, but that’s unrealistic. I voted for Bush last time. I’m a small employer, and he indicates he supports the small employer. But many of us feel like we’re drowning.

Q. What are the main issues for your business?

A. In health care, there are major changes that need to take place. Various insurance policies should include home health care (instead of just hospitalization) because there are cost savings. A licensed registered nurse may not be essential. A patient’s needs may be personal care and dressing (that can be addressed more cheaply at home). As an employer, I’d like to see some type of tax credit (for employee benefits). If it’s going to be mandatory that an employer provide benefits, we should get a tax break. And we have to fix workers’ comp.

Q. What other issues concern you?

A. We’ve got a lot of multicultural issues in California. The city needs to address those issues, and nationally we must look at issues like employment, housing, health care and education. Education is what will carry the country forward. Bush has not accomplished any of these things. There have been cutbacks and cutbacks.
