
Family Values and Republicans

Norman Lear sure does know a lot about the evolution of the Religious Right. You’d think he was a member. His reporting (“Religious Right Was There All Along,” Column Left, Aug. 28) is fairly accurate but as a Religious Right faithful, I can testify that we are not censoring books, just making sure they are introduced to children at appropriate ages.

Did Lear write the article because he’s jealous that the liberals haven’t done as well as the Religious Right in building their own grass-roots network? Maybe he could learn how to do it better. Is he scared that George Bush and Dan Quayle may win on the family values platform? He should be.

A mandate for family values could ruin his empire. Lear began his grass-roots effort to change America more than 20 years ago with “All in the Family” ridiculing the hard-working American father-hero, Archie Bunker. Until then TV dads were portrayed favorably in “Father Knows Best,” “Ozzie and Harriet,” “Leave It to Beaver,” etc. Homemaking was a decent profession until Lear joined up with the feminists to mock poor Edith.


Lear has been on a rampage ever since. With the ACLU he intimidates parents who are concerned about the values taught in the classrooms in school systems across America. Lear represents only a small minority of liberals whose godless values do not strengthen America or families as do the Judeo-Christian values of the Religious Right--the same values our founders gave us.


Costa Mesa
